Women's organization for Socio-Cultural Awareness (WOSCA) is a voluntary organization born on 20th December 1993 with the commitment to serve the under privileged people. It has been registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 in the year 1993-94 and registered under FCRA in the year 2000. WOSCA is having 21 years concerted experience in social sector keeping in touch with the community maintaining the pertinacious relationship with the community, other cross sections as well as the PRI members, starting from grass root level to District level. WOSCA is also having massive working force with committed sprit and resourcefulness. It is also having the good social mobilizations skills in mobilizing the community forming and promoting the self-help groups, imparting the trainings on skill development of the members. WOSCA also maintains the tie-up with the banks and others corporal sectors for the economic empowerment of the groups. In most of the groups there are the skilled experts in various sectors of entrepreneurship development, after getting the consecutive trainings from WOSCA.
A society full of peace, joy and happiness where there will be no poverty, ignorance, diseases, suffering, hunger, exploitation, injustice, and which will be saturated with solidarity, integrity, fraternity, nationality, non-discrimination, brotherhood and prosperity..
Transformation of thoughts into deeds through people’s participatory actions, people’s organizations, participatory learning and working together for human resource management.
Since its inception, WOSCA is taking up need-based programs primarily in the areas of livelihood, income generation, health, child rights environment conservation, and human resource development. Most of its programs are women – focused. WOSCA is facilitating the public benefit schemes being implemented by government i.e MGNREGA (employment assurance program), projects of National Health Missions and National Rural Livelihood Mission. WOSCA helps people in building access to social security entitlements and Panchayat on governance planning.