About CCDL (Combating Child Domestic Labour) Project

WOSCA has commenced in July 2016 a three year intervention to combat child domestic labour in Keonjhar district, to prevent and rehabilitated child domestic labour with the support of Plan India to address the root causes of worst forms of child labour through mainstreaming education for children and economic empowerment of families of children. This project is being implemented across 5 blocks of Keonjhar district; that is Sadar, Harichandanpur, Banspal, Joda and Ghatagaon.

Its main aim is to prevent, protect and rehabilitate children below 14 years of age from child domestic labour in Keonjhar district of Odisha, by strengthening community based child protection mechanisms, through educational rehabilitation of children and economic empowerment of children' families.


Taking the designed intervention forward, WOSCA has carried out majority of the planned activities till date and some of the key achievements include :

  • Rescue of 109 child labourers
  • Prevented 667 vulnerable children from labour, majority of which were out of school children; followed by orphan, vulnerable children and children of daily labourers.
  • 75% of the children rescued and or prevented from labour [50.46% of them are girls] have been successfully enrolled into school, while the remaining 25% of them were already going to school during our initial intervention of the project. These children are regularly being followed up by the project staff.
  • Learning facilities in the form of tuition centres established at the community level have attracted 880 children to avail the facility.
  • A total of 521 children have been supported with basic educational support that assisted them get enrolled into school with required books and needs and further to be regular to school.
  • The awareness sessions organized for children [80 sessions] and to community members [80 sessions] have improved 5751 children' [50.80% of them girls] and 6301 adult members' [76.59% of them are women] understanding on forms of child labour and the reporting mechanisms.
  • The project established 80 child forums with a membership of 1600 children [64.37% of them are girls], including children rescued and prevented from labour to ensure children's participation in their own protection.
  • Similarly, the project established 80 village level child protection committees with a membership of 1765 adults [62% of them women] with the objective to sensitize them and make them functional to ensure child protection within their communities. Both these structures have been trained on their roles and responsibilities, child rights, child protection issues, child protection reporting mechanism, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, programmes and schemes relevant to children.
  • The start-up grant support provided to the most vulnerable families of the direct beneficiaries [130 households of children prevented from labour] have yielded desired results of ensuring that every child in the benefiting households are enrolled into and regular to school.
  • The participation of government officials, elected representatives, the civil societies and the media in specific project activities relevant to them has increased their awareness on the issues. The project hopes to improve their commitment in future to address the issue.

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